This patriotic vintage postcard shows George Washington with the founding fathers hailing the flag of the newly created United States of America. With vibrant colors and printed with the American flag in the background, it is a beautiful and colorful patriotic postcard.
american flag
The Flag of Our Country Forever Patriotic Vintage Postcard
Beautiful vintage patriotic postcard with the United States flag behind the Sons of Veterans emblem, surrounded by a wreath of laurel and the words, “The flag of our country forever!” It is beautiful statement of pride in America.
The Star Spangled Banner American Flag Postcard
This vintage American Flag postcard from the early 1900s is studded with stars and a banner proclaiming “The Star Spangled Banner in Triumph Shall Wave.” Notice that it only has 46 stars representing the 46 States of the Union at the time of the printing of this postcard; New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii were […]
American Flag Grateful Patriotic Postcard
In this vintage American Flag postcard from the early 1900s, the artist expresses the gratitude, with a quote from the famous Daniel Webster, of being American. The original quote by Daniel Webster from a speech given on the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument, June 17, 1843 is: “In our day and generation let us […]